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Blog Entries

Getting to Know China’s Pentecostal Churches

A Sneak Peek at the Summer 2023 ChinaSource Quarterly

If the last seven decades in China have taught us anything, they have surely taught us never to underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. I am confident that you will be encouraged as you read these eye-witness accounts of the story of Pentecost in China.


Pentecostal Churches in China—An Introduction

[…] between tongues and Spirit baptism (point 3). For more on Pentecostal identity and theology, see Robert Menzies, “Pentecostal Theology and the Chinese Church,” ChinaSource Blog, January 21, 2015, accessed March 27, 2023, and Pentecost: This Story Is Our Story (Springfield, MO: GPH, 2013). A Chinese translation of this book is also available. […]

Blog Entries

Pentecostal Theology and the Chinese Church

[…] and experienced significant persecution. In this crucible of persecution they developed their classical Pentecostal orientation. At this time their church began to grow rapidly. More recently (March, 2014), I spoke with Uncle Zheng and several leaders of the Li Xin Church. This church was established in the early 1980s in Anhui Province. It has […]

Supporting Article

The Pentecostal Legacy of the Indigenous Churches in China

[…] in Global Renewal Christianity: Spirit-Empowered Movements Past, Present, and Future, Vol. 1: Asia and Oceania, eds. Vinson Synan and Amos Yong (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House Publishers, 2015), 67-90. Daniel H. Bays, “The Growth of Independent Christianity in China, 1900–1937,” in Christianity in China: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present, ed. Daniel Bays […]

Supporting Article

Urban Churches in China

A Pentecostal Case Study

[…] article, notes that modernization does impact the religious makeup of a nation. However, he suggests that rather than “producing a straightforward decline in religion,” modernization tends to change its nature. More specifically, Dunch suggests that religion, as it meets modernization, tends to become more voluntary (rather than acquired at birth), individualized, and experiential. These […]

Blog Entries

Sober Optimism

Opposition and Opportunity

[…] sisters to be faithful by pursuing the dangerous journey of love. This is the journey that was first undertaken by Christ who, even now through the Holy Spirit, enables us to follow in his footsteps. This conversation did raise for me, two important questions. How do we view the world around us, and particularly […]

Blog Entries

A Strong Foundation: Pentecostal Revival in Yunnan Province

In 2015 I was reminded in a powerful way of the strong foundation of Christian faith that exists in Southwest China. Several colleagues and I traveled to visit the parents of a close Chinese friend and to worship together with the church that meets in their small village. I had heard that this dedicated […]

Supporting Article

Learning from the Larger Story

[…] The Chinese Church’s Contribution Pentecostals the world over celebrate the present-ness of the kingdom of God. God’s awesome presence in our midst, his gracious willingness to bestow spiritual gifts, his desire to heal, liberate, and transform lives—all of these themes, so central to Pentecostal piety, highlight the fact that God’s reign is now present. […]

Blog Entries

The Appeal of the Pentecostal Movement in Hong Kong

The Kaleidoscopic City: A Book Review

[…] highlights how Pentecostal attitudes toward healing also became an important asset. Yet this is an example of how the context of Hong Kong helped Pentecostals adjust and change. “Healing…became an important bridge between Pentecostals and the people of Hong Kong. On their arrival in the colony, Pentecostals insisted that salvation had to precede any […]

Blog Entries

The Seed of the Church and the Modern Missions Movement

In 2017 I was privileged to visit a church near the city of Qujing in Yunnan province. This church was established by Pentecostal missionaries, Max and Emily Bernheim, in the 1930s. The Bernheims, along with one son, were murdered by bandits in 1940. This tragic event left their five remaining children orphans. The bodies […]